Robinson Curriculum Blog

10 Health Benefits to Homeschooling

Can you think of any more?

Here are some more benefits viewers have come up with: 

  • The kids avoid bullying, aren’t exposed to as many germs-and when they don’t get sick,
  • there’s no stress that they are way behind, you just adapt to what’s happening.
  • You don’t have to pull the kids out of school for Dr. visits, and can even make them into learning experiences about the body, and different jobs.
  • Going to the midwife as a family brings the family closer together as they all get to hear the babies heartbeat.
  • By being with your children all the time, you feed them everything, and can tell how different foods make them react if you are trying to narrow in on an allergenic food, versus who knows what little Billy shared with your kiddo! Healthier food options.
  • Not having to stress about what the other kids are teaching your kiddos, or what little Billy showed your child on their smart phone, the list goes on and on.
  • Avoiding vaccines (hardly a sacrifice) must be right at the top of list of heath benefits of homeschooling.
  • Kids can get the proper amount of sleep. That is a big deal for good health and growth. Also if a girl is menstruating she can rest on her heavy day in the comfort of her own home.
  • We have the freedom during the day to get outside for fresh air and exercise.
  • My kids are regularly exposed to classical music which has been proven to be a benefit to the brain and health in general.
  • They get regular sleep and eat three regular meals without a lot of processed foods. (No need to skip breakfast because we are running too late.)
  • They are regularly exposed to God’s word and are able to be in all of our church services throughout the week (even if we know it will be later than normal as is sometimes the case with special meetings). God is so good to give us the opportunity for all of these things.
  • I have noticed that my children are generally much happier and social than those who do go to school especially in church. I also feel it really conflicts with their life in Christ (school kids).

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There is no need to be negative about public schooling with those who are caught in that system We just need to point out all the wonderful benefits of home education and how RC makes it doable and affordable.

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