RC Online is proud to announce the addition of The Christian Prince to the Core Read Order.
This book plows up ground that has been lying fallow for decades, and calls for God’s people to embrace an explicitly Christian approach to politics.

Buddy Hanson, President of the Christian Policy Network, and Director of the Christian Worldview Resources Center frequently speaks to churches, homeschool organizations, and civic groups about the necessity of applying biblical principles to every situation, circumstance, and decision-making. “There are many fine organizations presenting the descriptions about how a Christian worldview should differ from a non-Christian one, but that’s only half of the equation. Our focus is to present God’s prescriptions to reform our culture. Christianity is not an intellectual trip, but a world-transforming trip, as Jesus commands us to live out our faith and bring about ‘God’s will on earth as it is in heaven.” (MATTHEW 6.10)
Standing toe-to-toe against Machiavelli’s The Prince we now have Buddy Hanson’s The Christian Prince, a long-overdue answer to a festering, centuries-old broadside launched by humanism:
“Of all the Chalcedon disciples, I don’t know why our Lord, Savior and King put a burden on my heart to provide the first refutation of Machiavelli’s work, but He did, and I pray that The Christian Prince gets wide distribution among not only our Christian brothers and sisters, who have political interests, but among CEOs (management by intimidation) and military leaders who assign Machiavelli’s tactics in their advanced leadership courses.” – Buddy Hanson, Author